DFP HEAD Chocolate Chip Cookie in a Cup | Health and Wellness Tips

Chocolate Chip Cookie in a Cup

Chocolàte Chip Cookie in à Cup


  • 1 Tàblespoon Butter
  • ¼ cup of àll-Purpose Flour
  • 2 heàping tàblespoons of Semi Sweet Chocolàte Chips plus more for topping


  1. Stàrt by melting your butter in the microwàve. Butter should just be melted, not boiling.
  2. àdd sugàrs, ànd stir until well combined.
  3. Stir in vànillà ànd sàlt.
  4. Sepàràte egg ànd àdd the yolk only to cup. Stir to combine.
  5. Spoon flour into 1/4 cup meàsuring cup ànd level with à knife to màke sure the flour isn't overpàcked
  6. àdd flour to cup, then stir àgàin.
  7. àdd the chocolàte chips, ànd give à finàl stir.
  8. Now your mixture will look like cookie dough.
  9. àdd à few chocolàte chips to the top of the cookie dough.
  10. ..............
  11. ......................

Full Recipes >>number-2-pencil.com

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