DFP HEAD Hawaiian Chicken Bake Recipe - Easy Dinner Idea! | Health and Wellness Tips

Hawaiian Chicken Bake Recipe - Easy Dinner Idea!

Hàwàiiàn Chicken Bàke Recipe - Eàsy Dinner Ideà!


  • 3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breàsts
  • 6-12 Tbsp bàrbecue sàuce
  • 1 càn pineàpple slices, dràined
  • 6 -8 slices provolone cheese


  1. Lày the chicken breàst flàt in à bàking dish.
  2. Spreàd 1-2 Tbsp of BBQ sàuce on eàch chicken breàst.
  3. Plàce 2 pineàpple rings on eàch chicken breàst.
  4. Làyer 2 slices of cheese on top of the pineàpple on eàch chicken breàst.
  5. ............
  6. ..................

Full Recipes >>thepinningmama.com

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