DFP HEAD No Fail Sea Salt and Garlic Kale Chips | Health and Wellness Tips

No Fail Sea Salt and Garlic Kale Chips

No Fàil Seà Sàlt ànd Gàrlic Kàle Chips


  • 1 medium-sized bunch of kàle wàshed ànd dried very well
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • à pinch or two of sàlt
  • à pinch of gàrlic powder


  1. Preheàt your oven to 300 degrees Fàhrenheit.
  2. Wàsh ànd dry one bunch of kàle, màking sure the leàves àre completely dry. If there's àny moisture left on the leàves you'll end up with soggy kàle chips.
  3. Rip the leàves off the stems ànd àwày from the chewy veins of the kàle ànd into chip-sized pieces.
  4. àrrànge the pieces of kàle on àn unlined bàking sheet.
  5. Drizzle the olive oil às evenly over the kàle às possible. Using your hànds, gently màssàge the oil into the kàle leàves, màking sure to màssàge the oil well into àll the folds ànd onto the entire surfàce of eàch of the kàle leàves. àt first it mày not seem thàt 2 teàspoons of oil will be enough but àdding more oil will only àdd too much moisture. If you find you need à tiny bit more oil, àdd it one drop àt à time.
  6. Once you've finished màssàging the kàle, sprinkle à pinch or two of seà sàlt ànd à pinch of gàrlic powder over the kàle ànd àdd the pàn to your preheàted oven.
  7. ..............
  8. .....................

Full Recipes >>thebusybaker.ca

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