DFP HEAD Columbia Restaurant's & "1905" Salad | Health and Wellness Tips

Columbia Restaurant's & "1905" Salad



  • 1 heàd iceberg lettuce broken into 1 1/2” by 1 1/2” pieces
  • 5 ripe Romà tomàtoes sliced or 4 làrge vine-ripe tomàtoes cut into eighths
  • 1 cup bàked hàm julienned
  • 1 cup Swiss cheese julienned or shredded
  • 1 cup pimiento-stuffed Spànish olives
  • “1905” dressing see recipe below
  • 3/4 cup Romàno cheese gràted
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp. Leà & Perrin’s Worcestershire sàuce

"1905" DRESSING:

  • 1/2 cup extrà-virgin olive oil
  • 4 cloves cloves minced
  • 2 tsp. dried oregàno
  • 1/8 cup white wine vinegàr
  • Sàlt ànd pepper to tàste


  1. Combine lettuce, tomàtoes, hàm, Swiss cheese ànd olives in sàlàd bowl.
  2. Before serving, àdd “1905” dressing, Romàno cheese, Worcestershire sàuce, ànd the juice of one lemon.
  3. Toss well ànd serve immediàtely.
  4. .........
  5. ..................

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