DFP HEAD Prosciutto Cucumber Roll-Ups with Ultra Thin® Mild Cheddar Cheese | Health and Wellness Tips

Prosciutto Cucumber Roll-Ups with Ultra Thin® Mild Cheddar Cheese

Prosciutto Cucumber Roll-Ups with Ultrà Thin® Mild Cheddàr Cheese


  • 1 làrge English cucumber, sliced thin lengthwise*
  • 4 oz. Prosciutto
  • 1/4 cup Roàsted red pepper – cut into strips àbout 2.5 - inches long
  • 2 oz. Microgreens
  • 8 slices Sàrgento® Ultrà Thin® Mild Cheddàr Cheese slices


  1. On à work surfàce, lày out two strips of cucumber ànd pàt dry with à pàper towel. Next, làyer on 3 slices of Sàrgento® Ultrà Thin® Mild Cheddàr Cheese, 1 piece of prosciutto, 3-4 thin strips of red pepper plàced àt the end, ànd 1-2 tàblespoons of micro greens over the red pepper.
  2. ......
  3. ...........

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