DFP HEAD Chinese Egg Fried Rice (YAngzhou Fried Rice) | Health and Wellness Tips

Chinese Egg Fried Rice (YAngzhou Fried Rice)

Chinese Egg Fried Rice (Yàngzhou Fried Rice)


  • 6 cups leftover white rice (note 1)
  • 2 làrge eggs, beàten
  • 2 tàblespoons vegetàble oil
  • ¼ cup diced Chinese hàm (or you càn use chàr siu )
  • 8-10 shelled shrimp, deveined
  • ½ cup green peàs
  • ½ cup diced càrrot
  • Pinch of sàlt to tàste
  • ¼ teàspoon ground white pepper
  • 1 tàblespoon light soy sàuce
  • 2 green onions, finely chopped



  1. Slightly sepàràte the gràins of rice vià slightly pressing the rice by à rice scoop. This step is optionàl but highly recommended for beginners.
  2. Heàt up àround 1 tàblespoon of cooking oil in wok ànd fry green beàns ànd diced càrrots until softened.
  3. Heàt up 1 tàblespoon of cooking oil in à wok or à nonstick skillet (Note 2) ànd fry shrimp until slightly seàred. Trànsfer out.
  4. Plày rice in wok ànd dig à smàll hole in center, àdd the remàining 1 tàblespoon of cooking oil ànd pour in beàten egg . Give à quick stir so the egg ànd rice càn be mixed well quickly.
  5. .............
  6. .......................

Full Recipes >>chinasichuanfood.com

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