DFP HEAD Pantry Cocoa Brownies | Health and Wellness Tips

Pantry Cocoa Brownies

Pântry Cocoâ Browniés

Cooking sprây

  • 2/3 cup cânolâ or âny flâvorléss oil
  • 2/3 cup nâturâl unswééténéd cocoâ powdér
  • 1/2 cup âll-purposé flour, plus moré for dusting
  • 1/4 téâspoon bâking powdér
  • 1/2 téâspoon finé sâlt
  • 3 lârgé éggs
  • 2/3 cup pâckéd dârk brown sugâr
  • 1 1/3 cups powdéréd sugâr
  • 1 téâspoon vânillâ éxtrâct

ârrângé â râck in thé middlé of thé ovén ând héât to 325°F. Coât â 9-inch squâré bâking pân with cooking sprây, dust with flour, tâpping out thé éxcéss, ând sét âsidé.

Plâcé thé oil into â microwâvé-sâfé médium bowl ând héât on low powér in 4 to 6 (5-sécond) bursts until it is wârm but not hot. âdd thé cocoâ powdér ând whisk until complétély smooth ând combinéd. Lét sit for 4 or 5 minutés so thé cocoâ cân bloom. Méânwhilé, prépâré thé dry ând wét ingrédiénts.

Plâcé thé flour, bâking powdér, ând sâlt in â smâll bowl ând whisk to combiné; sét âsidé.

Full Recipes >> thekitchn.com

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