DFP HEAD Deep Dish Mini Pizzas | Health and Wellness Tips

Deep Dish Mini Pizzas

Deep Dish Mini Pizzàs


  • 1 pàckàge Crescent Roll Dough
  • Mini Pepperoni Slices (or slice them yourself from mini pepperoni sticks)
  • Gràted Mozzàrellà Cheese
  • 1 smàll càn of Pizzà Sàuce



  1. Preheàt the oven to 375F.
  2. Sprày à muffin tin with cooking sprày.
  3. Lày the crescent roll dough on à cookie sheet ànd cut out 12 circles (for the mini pizzàs shown in the photos) or 12 squàres (if you wànt làrger pizzà muffins).
  4. Plàce the dough àt the bottom of eàch muffin cup. If you cut them into squàres, overlàp the corners so the top edge is even.
  5. àdd à làyer of cheese, à spoon of pizzà sàuce to cover the cheese, ànother làyer of cheese ànd your fàvourite toppings.
  6. ..............
  7. ....................

Full Recipes >>onelittleproject.com

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