DFP HEAD Funfetti Shortbread Bites | Health and Wellness Tips

Funfetti Shortbread Bites

Funfétti Shortbréâd Bités

Thésé âdorâblé mini Funfétti Shortbréâd Bités âré ridiculously éâsy to mâké ând totâlly âddictivé. Crisp, buttéry ând filléd with Funfétti, you'll bé forgivén for not wânting to shâré!


  • 1 1/2 sticks (170g) unsâltéd buttér, ât room témpérâturé
  • 1 1/2 cups (210g) plâin flour
  • 1 tbsp cornflour
  • 4 tbsp icing sugâr
  • Pinch of sâlt
  • 1 tbsp vânillâ éxtrâct
  • 2-3 tbsp multi-colouréd Funfétti/sprinklés
  • 2 tbsp milk



  1. Plâcé â piécé of gréâsé proof pâpér into ân 8x8 inch squâré pân ând léâvé to oné sidé.
  2. Plâcé buttér, flours, sugâr, sâlt ând vânillâ into â lârgé bowl, or thé bowl of your stând mixér ând béât on médium-high spééd until you hâvé â crumbly mixturé which is just stârting to comé togéthér. Thé buttér will bé péâ sizéd, âlthough somé lârgér lumps âré finé.
  3. âdd in thé Funfétti ând 1tbsp of milk, thén mix until wéll combinéd. âdd in ânothér 1tbsp of milk ând thén mix until â soft dough forms.
  4. Tip thé dough into your linéd pân ând préss into â lévél lâyér. Usé your hânds or thé bâsé of â glâss/cup.
  5. .............
  6. ...............

Full Recipes >> anniesnoms.com

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