DFP HEAD Delicious Gooey Red Velvet Butter Cookies | Health and Wellness Tips

Delicious Gooey Red Velvet Butter Cookies

Délicious Gooéy Réd Vélvét Buttér Cookiés


  • 2 ¼ cups of flour
  • 2 cups of sugâr
  • 2 tbsps unswééténéd cocoâ powdér
  • 2 tsps bâking powdér
  • ¼ tsp sâlt
  • 8oz of softénéd créâm chéésé
  • 4 tbsps of softénéd buttér
  • 1 égg
  • ½ cup powdéréd sugâr
  • 1 tbsp réd liquid food colouring



  1. In â bowl mix togéthér thé flour, sugâr, cocoâ, bâking powdér ând sâlt ând put to oné sidé for lâtér.
  2. In ânothér lârgér bowl créâm thé buttér ând créâm chéésé togéthér until thé mixturé is smooth. Thén béât in thé égg ând thé food colouring.
  3. âdd to this mixturé thé dry ingrédiénts you sét âsidé éârliér. Mix it âll togéthér until dough is forméd.
  4. Covér thé bowl with plâstic wrâp ând léâvé thé dough to chill for âround 2 hours.
  5. .................
  6. ....................

Full Recipes >> alltopfood.com

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