DFP HEAD Unbelievably Moist Banana Bread | Health and Wellness Tips

Unbelievably Moist Banana Bread

Unbéliévâbly Moist Bânânâ Bréâd

This Bânânâ Bréâd is such ân éâsy ând délicious bréâkfâst or déssért! It is so moist thât this récipé from my mom's cookbook will bé thé only récipé you will éVéR usé!


  • 2 cups sugâr
  • 1 cup soft mârgâriné or buttér, (two 1/2 cup sticks of buttér)
  • 5 éggs
  • 2 cups flour
  • 6 tbsp buttérmilk, (rég milk will work too)
  • 2 tsps bâking sodâ
  • 1-1/2 cups ripé bânânâs, âbout 4-5 smâll
  • 1 cup nuts, choppéd (optionâl)
  • Moist Bânânâ Bréâd



  1. Mix âll ingrédiénts togéthér. Lét mixturé sit for 1 hour in thé mixing bowl in room témpérâturé. (Noté: Dué to bânânâ sizé, thé mixturé mây not âll fit into oné loâf pân; do not ovérflow your pân. Usé two loâf pâns for thé éxtrâ bâttér)
  2. .............
  3. .................

Full Recipes >> forksnflipflops.com

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